Little Ry

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These pictures are from some time ago but I thought I would share them! Look at how cute and cuddly he is! So cute and tiny. Love his dark black hair and little squish lips! Such a doll...


So fun to shoot newborns! They might just be my favorite.


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Had an awesome session the other day with these siblings. You could tell big brother loves his little sister! He even picked out her outfit (and it is beautiful). Anyways had fun with them and here are a few shots. The little ones first birthday is coming up so we had to do a cake shot! 

 If only I had blue eyes like that, he was blond and his sister brunette, but they both are blue-eyed.

 She is an absolute doll! Her brother did such a good job picking out her clothes!

Love her toothy grin in this one!

Mommy's favorite stuffed animals when she was one, her not so much.

Cutest siblings you will ever see! 

And of course we needed to get the cake shot. Love her hesitation in here to eat more of it!

May Day Birthday

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Had a fun May day birthday session with this sweet little one! She was an absolute doll and had the cutest sparkle in her eye. I loved her outfits with all the fun extras. The first birthday is always the most special and always reminds us of how fast time flys!

Have a good day everyone!

I'm 2 years Old

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Tried out the new studio equipment the other day and it works AWESOME! So blessed to be starting a new chapter in my business with the decision to try studio photography! This adorable little girl was in for her 2 years pictures, and she was just the cutest lil girl you will ever see...

Had so much fun with this photo session! I am going to try this blogging thing out! I need to stay on my feet with it.
